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COBI TOG 2 Super Heavy Tank #2544


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The Tank, Heavy, TOG II* was a prototype British tank design produced in the early part of the Second World War in case the battlefields of northern France devolved into a morass of mud, trenches, and craters as had happened during the First World War. When this did not happen the tank was deemed unnecessary and the project was terminated.

The second design to come out of the Special Vehicle Development Committee (nicknamed “The Old Gang” as it was made up of people who had worked on the original British tanks of the First World War) the TOG 2 was similar to the TOG 1 and kept many of its features. Instead of the track path arrangement of the TOG 1 which – like that of the First World War British tanks – ran up over the top of the hull and back down, the track path was lower on the return run and the doors were above the tracks. Ordered in 1940, built by Foster’s of Lincoln, the prototype ran for the first time in March 1941.

The design included a 6-pounder gun and side sponsons. For “initial trials” it was fitted with a mockup turret with a dummy gun and later with a simplified turret mounting a QF 3-inch 16 cwt anti-tank gun in 1942 it was given a turret that was under development for the Cruiser Mk VIII Challenger tank design with the QF 17-pounder (76.2 mm) gun. The turret “in modified form” was used on the Challenger. The planned sponsons were never fitted.

Although equipped with the same electro-mechanical drive as originally fitted to the TOG 1, the TOG 2 used twin generators and no problems were reported. It was modified to include, among other things, a change from the unsprung tracks to a torsion bar suspension and went through successful trials in May 1943. No further development occurred, although a revised version, the TOG 2 (R) was proposed. The ‘R’ would have been 6 ft (1.8 m) shorter, used torsion bar suspension and had no sponsons.

The single TOG 2 prototype can be seen at The Tank Museum



Video Intel

Below are very informative and entertaining videos to discover more about this unit and it’s place in history. Please be aware that some of these videos may contain crude language and/or actual footage of warfare. This may be disturbing to sensitive or young viewers. We have selected the videos for their historical context in relation to our products for the purpose of research and learning.

Product Specifications

Additional information

Weight 80 oz
Dimensions 17.72 × 12.5 × 3.75 in

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